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Group 667


Admission to a Advantage Schools academy falls into two categories, but in all circumstances, admission is subject to the statutory Admissions Code, which can be found by following the link below to the Department for Education website:


Applications for your child to start in Reception for September 2024, is managed by the local authority’s admissions team, whose address can be found below. The closing date for applications is the 15th January 2024 and late application submission may affect your chances of securing a place at the academy. However, any late applications submitted after this date will still be processed by the authority.

Please apply for your child's place at The Linden Academy, through the Luton Council website below:


School Admissions
Luton Borough Council
Town Hall
George Street

01582 548016

If the year group applied for is full (over-subscribed), an application for admission may be unsuccessful and parents will be advised of this as soon as possible.  In such circumstances parents will need to consider alternatives and are advised to seek clarification and/or advice from Advantage Schools Central Admissions Team on 01582 884100 or from Luton Borough Council Education Department: 


All in-year admissions to an Advantage Schools' academy are managed by:

Sandra Burgoyne-Murray – Admissions Manager

01582 811515

Therefore, parents wishing to apply for a place at an Advantage Schools' academy, after the academic year has started, should click below for the form to complete and return it directly to the address above.

Guidance and the application form from Luton Borough Council for In-Year Admissions can be found by clicking here.

Please find our Admissions Policy below

Further information about choosing a school can be found on the Department for Education website:


Please contact the academy if you require any clarification on our admission policy.

Refusal of a place at an Advantage Schools' academy does not affect the parental right to appeal – details of which can be found below and also by following the link to the Department for Education website.


All in-year admissions to an Advantage Schools' academy are managed by:

Sandra Burgoyne-Murray – Admissions Manager

01582 811515

Therefore, parents wishing to apply for a place at an Advantage Schools' academy, after the academic year has started, should click below for the form to complete and return it directly to the address above.

Guidance and the application form from Luton Borough Council for In-Year Admissions can be found by clicking here.

Further information about choosing a school can be found on the Department for Education website:


Please contact the academy if you require any clarification on our admission policy.

Refusal of a place at an Advantage Schools' academy does not affect the parental right to appeal – details of which can be found below and also by following the link to the Department for Education website.


Parents and Carers whose application for a place at The Linden Academy has been unsuccessful and who wish to appeal against that decision should do so by clicking here. This will take you directly to the Luton Borough Council website where you can find further guidance on how to appeal.

On receipt of their written appeal, all appellants will be notified of the date and time of their hearing within statutory timescales and no later than 10 days in advance of the scheduled hearing date. Decision letters will be sent to parents/carers within 5 days of the appeal having been heard.


Please note that a place offer is not dependent upon the date on which an application or request to be placed on waiting list is received, but upon the application of our oversubscription criteria which is included in our admissions policy (above).