Safeguarding & Online Safety

The academy aims to create an atmosphere in which pupils feel secure and valued.

We are concerned about the welfare and safety of all our students and work to provide an environment in which they feel safe and listened to.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children includes protecting children from maltreatment and ensuring children are able to grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Our Safeguarding Policy underpins this work, as does the statutory DfE guidance detailed in Keeping children safe in education.

People you can contact in school in relation to safeguarding issues are:

Safeguarding leads v2

Children at The Linden Academy are consistently taught and reminded how to keep themselves safe online. Along with assemblies and workshops for children and families being planned for each academic year, reminders are given to check children's understanding at the start of each session where they may be utilising netbooks or iPads in school to support their learning.

The following slide is shared with children regularly to remind them of how to keep safe whilst online: 

Linden esafety

With more and more children having access to the internet via phones and tablets, we urge you to ensure that their use of such devices is supervised. 

Children love interacting with one another in school and are often keen to carry on their conversations with their friends at home. Therefore, many children talk about using Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Whats App, Tik Tok and many more. All of these have an age limit above primary age however we are becoming increasingly aware of their use by primary school aged children.

Please see the following guidance for advice on key APPs the children are talking most frequently about. Please see below.

We are also aware of a range of games children are playing which are not designed for children of primary school age. We discuss this as part of our ongoing PSHE learning. Please see the following parental guidance on some of the popular games we hear about. See below.

Further information on Internet Safety can be accessed from external organisations including the following:

The NSPCC has a wealth of information as a highly respected practitioner and advisory body.

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online

Another valuable and easily accessible source of information is the UK Safer Internet Centre.

UK Safer Internet Centre- Free Internet Safety Resources for Parents

ParentInfo (CEOP and Parent Zone Information Site)

Visit website

NCA's CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)

Visit website

CEOP Thinkuknow

Visit website